Comfort Options
Sometimes children need a little extra support to have their dental treatment completed. We have several safe and effective options available to create a stress-free environment for your child.
Nitrous Oxide
(aka Laughing Gas)
Nitrous Oxide is a safe & effective option for children who either need help relaxing & staying calm while visiting the dentist, or during a dental treatment.
What happens if my child is given laughing gas? A small mask will be placed over their nose which will administer the Nitrous Oxide. Since Nitrous Oxide is quick acting, it will only remain in their body for a short time. This means – it wears off completely within minutes of the end of the procedure. Your child will be awake and able to interact the entire time with the dental team. They’ll remember what happened as well. Discover more about Nitrous Oxide and its recommendation from the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD).

In-Office General Anesthesia
We take the best interest of your child to heart when making a recommendation for General Anesthesia. Your child’s dental care team will always have a conversation and collaborate with you on your child’s unique situation. We are here to support the best outcome for your child. Typically, general anesthesia will be recommended for:
- Children with extensive dental needs
- Children who are extremely apprehensive or unable to cooperate
- Children with special needs
If recommended, general anesthesia allows your child to sleep comfortably while their dental work is completed, right in our own office.
An additional benefit to general anesthesia is that extensive treatment plans that would normally require several appointments can be completed in a single visit.
For general anesthesia, we partner with licensed anesthesiology doctors from the experts on pediatric dental anesthesia: Carepoint Anesthesia. We have the longest standing partnership with Carepoint Anesthesia in the state of Colorado, so you know your child will be given the best care.
What happens if my child is given general anesthesia? When your child is given general anesthesia, the anesthesiologist will start transitioning your child from the normal awake state to the sleepy state of anesthesia with medication via a mask, eliminating the concern your child might have surrounding injections. The Dental Anesthesiologist & Pediatric Dentist stays with your child for the entire duration of their appointment to monitor their progress and perform their dental work. After the appointment is complete, the anesthesiologist reverses the sleepy transition to wake your child up and begin recovery.