Frequently Asked Questions
What if my child does not cooperate?
Our entire team is completely comfortable with the different temperaments of young children (especially toddlers). While we understand it can be very hard on you as the parent if your child is upset, we will remain calm and use our pediatric skills to help soothe your child. Depending on the child’s age and the procedures needed, we will decide with you the best way to proceed.
- For little ones scheduled for a routine check-up, we may opt to do the exam only with your help and hold off on other procedures such as a cleaning until the child is older and more comfortable/ready to participate in the appointment.
- For older children, we will help to educate the child on the necessity of certain procedures and work with you on what the best next steps are. At the end of the day, you know your child best and we will support you in whatever way possible.
If treatment of decay is needed, we have many tools including Nitrous Oxide, movies, headphones, and a very skilled team of doctors and staff to help coach, coax and distract your child through the appointment. We understand that child behavior is unpredictable, but kids are teachable. Many kids behave amazingly well during dental treatment – often better than adults! We love to see an apprehensive child conquer their fear and learn to love going to the dentist! If the above techniques are not adequate, sedation and general anesthesia are also available. Please go to our Comfort Options section for more information.
Do you accept my dental insurance?
We are in-network with many dental insurance providers. For a complete list, please visit our office policies page.
Where do I complete my childs paperwork?
We can either email or text you a link to your child’s paperwork. Please text us at 833.342.2924 to request a link.

What should I do if my child experiences a dental emergency?
Please immediately call our office (24/7) at 970.224.3600 if your child is experiencing a dental emergency. From here please follow the prompts to receive help from our on-call dentist.
May I stay with my child while they are being treated?
Absolutely – parents are welcome to stay with their children during their appointment. We actually encourage parents to join their children for the initial visit to see the office and meet the full team.
After the first visit, many older children, and those who have been to the dentist many times may prefer to come into the office alone. We love to see their confidence at their dental visit, and actually have found it often leads to more cooperation & collaboration between the dentist and child. This allows our doctors and staff to engage your child better one-on-one, building trust and rapport while having fun. If your child comes in alone, we’ll keep you in the loop and you’ll always be part of all decision making. We also send every child out with a fun individual report card reflecting what was discussed and the status of their dental health.
If your child is very young or has special needs, we’re excited to have you join us for every appointment.
We ask that siblings, or other children not being treated stay in the reception area (or the car) with a supervising adult.

Do you have board-certified pediatric dentists at your fort collins office?
Yes, Dr. Joe Guido and Dr. Ihsan Larsen are board certified pediatric dentists. To learn more about them, please visit the meet our dentists page.
When should I take my baby/toddler to the Pediatric dentist?
The general rule of thumb is 1st tooth or 1st birthday, whichever comes first. However, we understand this isn’t always the first thing on your mind at those ages. We welcome you to bring in your child for their first appointment any time – we’re always here to support you and your healthy smile journey! If you’d like to learn more about what to expect at your first toddler appointment, check out our toddler visit page. If you’re experiencing issues with nursing/bottle feeding and suspect it to be related to a tongue or lip tie, please call our office to schedule a 1:1 consultation with Dr. Joe Guido or Dr. Shivaun McArtor for evaluation.
Mountain Kids Office Fees
- D0120 Periodic Oral Evaluation $68
- D0150 Comprehensive Oral Evaluation $117
- D0220 Intraoral Periapical 1st Film $38
- D0230 Intraoral Periapical Additional Film $32
- D0240 Intraoral Occlusal Film $56
- D0272 Bitewings 2 Films $61
- D0330 Panoramic Film $152
- D1120 Prophylaxis Child $88
- D1206 Topical Fluoride Varnish $61
- D1351 Sealant Per Tooth $70
- D2391 Resin Composite 1 Surface Posterior $234
- D2392 Resin Composite 2 Surface Posterior $304
- D2930 Prefabricated Stainless Steel Crown $354
- D7140 Extract Erupted Tooth/Root $227
- D9230 Analgesia Inhalant Nitrous Oxide $58